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Border Collie Fiction
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In association with Amazon.com, we at TARP Border Collies are now able to offer free shopping links to a select group of books.
On this page you will find our favorite fiction books. From James Harriott's books to Donald McCaig, these are stories to delight all ages, and give insight into the Border Collie Mind.
Be sure to check out the other lists of "Life with a Border Collie," "Dog Sports" and the "General Section."
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Donald McCaig is a real favorite of mine. His views of the Border Collie and how the Border Collies have played a part in his life are a blast. He really gives voice to Border Collies in Nop's Trials and Nop's Hope.
Jess the Border Collie is a new series featuring Jenny, an ordinary girl, and her extraordinary dog Jess - and is set on a sheep farm in the Scottish Borders. This is a series full of emotion, fun and adventure.

I first met up with this wonderful world of James Herriot shortly after college, and to put it simply, if you have not read them, why on earth are you depriving yourself?

Floss is a story about the importance of taking time to play, Floss can help launch discussions with children about balancing responsibilities with fun, and about growing up and growing old.

Just Like Floss is a story about a Border Collie mother named Floss who has just had puppies. The farm children beg their father to let them keep one to work with the sheep on the farm like Floss does.

Please note, the images you find throughout BuzzSaw's Border Collie Graphics and Store are the product of long hours and hard work. I hope you enjoy the fruits of my labor and am delighted that you have visited. However, please note, that just because you have found these images on the Web do not construe that they are public domain. Please respect copyright laws. If nothing else, respect my right to the fruits of my labor. Thank you!
